Saturday, February 09, 2008

TP's 40th

JP Threw a big party for me last weekend. I think everyone was ready for a mid-winter party. We went through our scrapbooks and pulled out some funny photos from the last 40 years.
JP managed to light all 40 candles without burning herself. Pretty good for someone that usually burns herself when pulling tater tots out of the toaster oven.
The highlight of the evening was when I got to open my gift. JP bestowed a new addiction on me: Guitar Hero III. It has taken over my free time. I thought it would interfere with trying to learn the real guitar, but it hasn't.

The game features the song "One" by Metallica, a seven minute plus heavy metal song. The song is beyond CP's capabilities, so he plays it in practice mode on the slowest setting, which means it takes about 20 minutes to complete. He sticks with it and gets most of the notes. I need to get a microphone for him so that we can record his performance on video.

My favorite songs in the game are "Number of the Beast" and some crazy sped-up song by Dragonforce. I have conquered "Easy" and have moved to "Medium." I need to start practicing to get to get to "Hard."
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