Wednesday, December 25, 2019

X-Mas 2019

I flew home Friday and Saturday we took off to Nana's for an early X-Mas. S is an awesome car dog - except he has to be touching someone at all times.

We hit the CC for a nice Sunday breakfast.

The boys are now lumberjacks.

House Shopping

The stretch between Thanksgiving and the New Year isn't the time to be shopping for homes. There are a few, but not a lot.

These two have streets on three sides. That's a lot of sidewalk to scoop when it snows. I should have negotiated a monster snow blower as part of my new job's benefit package.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019


I drove up on Saturday, and by Sunday I was on the ice throwing rocks at the curling club in Lakeville.
Seems like a fun sport for couples. Kinda like bowling, but colder and slower.

New Digs

Nov. 30 was moving day into the temporary housing. It was a grey foggy trek across Iowa and as soon as I got close to the Cities, the snow kicked in. The new place is spectacular! 

The snow kept coming down.

I'm ready!