Saturday, February 09, 2008

Nebraska's First Ever Democratic Party Caucus

Tonight we made history as participants in Nebraska's first Democratic Party caucus. Instead of just going to the polls and voting, we went to the country club lodge with all the other 75 registered democrats in south Lincoln. We split into two groups, one for each precinct, and went into separate rooms. We then divided into three groups: Clinton, Obama, and undecided. Speakers from each group then tried to convince the others to vote for the better candidate. JP spoke up for Obama from our group. Of the four people that spoke up, three were from Illinois and one from Texas. Once the undecided folks decided, we then counted heads and found that Obama won 2:1, which matches the results for the entire state.

We brought the kids along to let them experience politics in action. They were unimpressed with the event, but were very interested in eating dinner at the country club.

Funny to think that I was a proud member of the teenage republicans in high school. Did I change, or is the world changing?
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