Saturday, December 01, 2007

Thanksgiving in Lanark

We took off the day before Thanksgiving and drove across Iowa to Lanark. We hit a blizzard in Des Moines and made it through before the rest of their 4" of snow fell. Illinois met us with rain and good driving conditions.

We gave Great Gramma her X-Mas gifts, since she is not planning on coming to see us. JP knitted her a shawl.

The dogs were happy to be together. Maggie barked her head off chasing squirrels and birds. We have no squirrels in Lincoln - must have something to do with not having trees. The first day we were there, they both ran around. The second day, they slept.

After thanksgiving dinner, we gathered 'round and played the kids' favorite game - "The Dice Game." Aunt Sue started the tradition a few years ago and the kids really look forward to it. This year she made it better by having some of the presents be specifically for the boys. In years past, it has been CP that falls apart when someone steals his present. This year it was GP's turn. Must be something about being seven. I ended up with an awesome LED flashlight that I have been wanting for a while. Thanks Aunt Sue!
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