Monday, September 03, 2007

State Fair

Garry, the Budweiser guy, gave us some complimentary tickets to the Nebraska State Fair. We have been here two years and have never made it to the fair and wanted to see it before it is moved.

We saw the Budweiser Clydesdales (in their cages), the Cabela's Dock Dog exhibition (where dogs jump 25+ feet off a dock), baby pigs, baby chickens, dairy cows, beef cows (amazingly beautiful!), horses, pigs, sheep, etc. It was another perfect weather day.
GP & JP rode this ride forwards and backwards. JP has a bruise on her shoulder from it.
CP & GP braved the mini-coaster. CP is helping his brother stay in the seat with a neck restraint. CP is a miniature version of me - terrified of roller coasters, heights, new things, etc. It will be interesting to see him get over his fears. GP, on the other hand, is Mr. Nofear.

The boys rode these rides and also did bumper cars. The small roller coaster was 3 tickets each, the fast ride was 5 tickets each, and bumper cars were another 5 each. Each ticket cost $1.25, so we ended up spending $32.50 for three rides. What a bargain. By the time we left, we were so tired of being overcharged for everything, we decided to skip eating lunch there and hit McD's on the way home.
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