Sunday, September 30, 2007

September is Busy Month

September has been a busy month for us...
It started with a back yard drive-in movie at our neighbors' house one night. He projected a movie onto the back of his house, complete with surround sound, popcorn, and snacks (and beverages from Gary, the Budweiser guy). The kids watched the movie and the grownup kids played on Sean's awesome MAME arcade machine. My project (one of my projects) for this winter is to build my own MAME machine. It looks like a real arcade video game unit, but it has a PC inside and can run thousands of games. Sean really did a nice job on his and went as far as putting real graphics on the sides and a coin slot on the front. If he doesn't like you, he'll make you use the your own quarters.
The day after the drive-in movie, we watched the Huskers beat Wake Forrest with some neighbors. It's funny - when we lived in Illinois, we never paid any attention to college football; why would we? We had the Bears, Packers, Vikings, and Lions to watch. Now that we have become Husker fans, Sundays drift on by without a thought about the NFL.
CP recently finished up the Rufe (A Zero on floats) and added it to the balsa WW-II airforce. He's getting to be quite a painter.
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