Friday, March 02, 2007

Dinos & Disasters

Last weekend (and also the one before that) we went to Morrill Hall for their annual Dinos & Disasters weekend. They had 25+ exhibits discussing dinosaurs and natural disasters. The boys spent a few hours touching and doing hands-on things. In the photo, CP is standing in the middle of a masking tape mososaur. A couple geologists were scraping the actual vertebrae out of a chunk of rock at the end of the hallway. I'm ready to get out and go fossil hunting!! All we need is for a global catastrophe to break us out of the ice age we are in now. I am ready for spring, warm breezes, and fishing.

The weekend before Dinos & Disasters we explored the museum and watched the planetarium show (a full hour discussing Pluto's planetary status). I used to love planetarium shows when I was a kid, but I must have grown out of it. The boys really enjoy them, but I have a hard time with the shoestring budget productions. I guess I got spoiled by going to too many laser shows at Bishop Planetarium in high school.
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