Saturday, January 30, 2021

Dark Day for Democracy

I try to keep the blog as apolitical as possible, but the events of January have been truly monumental in the history of our democracy and I'd like to have a placeholder for them here with the headlines from the NYT.

So, this was a sad, strange day, indeed. As the insurrection unfolded at the capitol, all the normalcy of work plodded along. Scheduled meetings started on time and the machine of industry plodded along.

However, at home, it was a different story. The boys & JP were glued to the TV. I've always wondered how great civilizations could fall, or something like the Nazis and Holocaust could happen. Now we know: just preach lies, lies, lies no matter what the facts are. Block science and reason. Lie some more until the fake reality is now a shared reality among a majority. Nothing to it.

It was really amazing to read what some of my friends were posting on FB. Normal rational people consumed with the alternate reality of Q Anon, all sitting at home waiting for the hammer to drop. They honestly believed that congress would be arrested, tried, and executed for treason. For real.

When this bingo card came out, it was funny, until everything started to unfold.


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