Saturday, August 03, 2013

Summer Vacation 2013 Day 1

For our official summer vacation of 2013, we ventured west to the charming town of Estes Park. Gramma & Grampa gave us a week at their timeshare there. It took 8 hours of road time to get there. It's so much nicer now traveling with the boys and their headphones.

The first day, we explored the town. One of the first stores we found was "Big RED of the Rockies". A Nebraska gear store that sells nothing but Husker stuff.

The view from the condo was fantastic. It backed up against Big Thompson River. The same river that cut the twisting and winding canyon that leads from the plains up to Estes Park. I kicked myself the entire time for pulling my fly rod out of the car at the last minute. We were packed to the gills, and I figured there would not be any opportunities to fish. I was wrong.

Every afternoon, we had rain showers. We came prepared with full rain/cold weather jackets, so it didn't bother us. We were thankful that we had a dryer in the condo and weren't camping the entire time.

On the night we arrived, a bear wandered into one of the saloons downtown. It was on the front page of the local paper, and since then has made it all the way to the UK. When we told our friends about it, they said they had seen it on the news here in Nebraska. Check it out:
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