Sunday, July 21, 2013

New Floor - Weekend 2

Last weekend, we nailed down most of the floorboards. During the week, we put in the last six courses. Seems like we went thru an entire box of nails. Between the two heater vents and a bunch of network cabling, it took forever.

Saturday morning we hit the Home Depot bright and early to get the drum sander. It was a ton of work, but nothing like the nailer. GP had fun running it. We sanded down the entry way, too - it was full of scratches and dings.

After four hours of drum sanding, we got the ginormous 4-headed random-orbit edge sander. It was easy enough to operate, but it did not have a bag. (!!!) Without the bag, it just made dust (very quickly) and then blew it out the exhaust where a bag would normally attach. Imagine creating ten pounds of super-fine sawdust and distributing the sixty-billion particles in every nook and cranny. It was JP's nightmare!

The bare oak was so clean and fresh looking compared to the existing floor. We hated to alter it with a stain. We went with "Natural Oak" colored stain - it was a better match than "Golden Oak". The kitchen matched nearly perfectly; the dining room is faded from the sun and is a completely different color. The refinished entryway boards (same as the dining room) match the new boards.

We will try to get three coats of polyurethane on it Sunday. It's looking like a nice day to spend outside in the fresh air.
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