Saturday, September 08, 2012

Day 5 - Mule Ride

After lunch at the historic Bryce Canyon Lodge, we moseyed down to the corral and hopped on our mules for a 4-hour tour of the park from a different point of view.


The boys did their first mule ride a long time ago when we went to the Black Hills. Since then, it's their favorite big-park adventure, wherever we go.


We went down into the canyon, then up and over into another canyon, then from the bottom, up and over into yet another canyon. I was grateful to be riding and not hiking. It would have been one of those endless hikes where you question why you're doing it. What's the point of going down if you're only going to hike straight back up. Riding made it different and I was able to enjoy going downhill without thinking "Ugh. Once we get to the bottom, we're going to have to climb back up 500 vertical feet."

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