Sunday, September 20, 2009

Fall Campout 2009

This weekend we did our fall campout with the cub scout pack. Our den lost one, but gained two. We are happy to have our two neighbors in our den now. They both went on the campout along with their families. We went to Waubonsie State Park in Iowa, near Nebraska City on the Missouri River bottom. I went there when we first moved to Nebraska four years ago and was underwhelmed. Now, I was pleasantly surprised at the beauty there and the breathtaking view of the river bottom. (BONUS: So far we have not found any ticks on us or the dog!!!)

The kids had fun running up and sliding down the slopes. The entire park sits in the Loess Hills. Loess is the 200+ foot thick deposit of windblown dust from the last ice age. It has the unique ability to form steep slopes and support vegetation. Imagine the badlands covered with trees.

The campground was filled beyond capacity with our pack, our corresponding boy scout troop, and another troop from Omaha. During the NU game, everything was quiet as everyone stuck close to their radios. After the game and early this morning, the troop from Omaha made up for their lost time. There used to be a time when JP & I would keep driving if we found such a campground. Now we're part of it.

We brought Maggie, and the G's brought Pooh. They were both very well behaved. JP had to scrub down the tub after bathing Maggie. She had fun rolling in the dust.
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