Sunday, October 29, 2006

Leave No Trace in Wilderness Park

Yesterday we worked on the "Leave No Trace" activity for cub scouts. We went to Wilderness Park, which is a long strip of woods along Salt Creek and some old RR tracks near our house, and picked up trash. We were very surprised - there were a few beer cans around the parking lot, but not much along the trail.

GP found a HUGE wooly worm.

After 20 minutes of walking, both boys became more interested in the rubber gloves they were wearing than anything else. When we reached the 1/2-way point, we decided to take the arrow-straight bike trail back to the car. We should have turned around before that, as GP ran out of steam and required an assist.
I picked up some trash that I will not soon forget. Someone drank a 12-pack while butchering their deer and pitched a sack full of the bones & empties in the woods. Judging from the smell, the bones must have still had meat on them, and some of the juice dripped on my jeans. Needless to say, I was glad to get home and into the shower. Posted by Picasa

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