Friday, May 10, 2024

St. Louis River - Jay Cooke State Park

We hit Jay Cooke State Park for our spring camping trip. We learned our lesson last year and booked it in May rather than April. There was no snow in our campsite, but there was a fair amount of standing water (but no mosquitos yet!).

The St. Louis River was spectacular. Only one floodgate was feeding it from the lake up above and it was still an impressive amount of water. Last year with the record snow, the river took out this bridge. What you see here is the 7th incaration of it.

The river drops over 350 feet (higher than Niagra Falls) thru the park in a series of falls and rapids. It's one of those things that you never hear about, but should. It was a major portage back in the Hudson Bay Trading Company days.

We did a nice 9-mile hike with the dog and saw a porcupine along the way. For a while the birds went silent, which I think means that someone (wolves?) is about. We didn't see predators other than an eagle.


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