Tuesday, January 10, 2023

CES 2023

I hit CES again this year. Last year was maybe 25% of normal. This year it was back to 100%.

Why are the chickens crossing the road? This is a famous problem with autonomous cars: the cars' artificial intelligence (AI) is trained to recognize people: young, old, on scooter/bike/skateboards. The question is, Is the AI also trained to recognize people dressed up as chickens? It sounds silly, but it's a real thing. I'm not sure where these chickens were headed; hopefully not to test out the latest Tesla self-driving software release...

This was my favorite of the entire show: a Sterns pinball table dedicated to my favorite band Rush. They are only $7,000. Maybe once the kids are fully on their own...

Our future is bleak. We will all just sit around with VR masks and hand-wands and sit in the same room without even noticing anyone else is there while interacting virtually.


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