Sunday, July 11, 2021

Red Wing

This weekend, we took a road trip an hour south to Red Wing on the MS River. It's a charming river town and the home of Red Wing boots. We checked out Barn Bluff (the hill in the photo) and decided that the two-mile jaunt to the top would be better saved for another day when we bring real shoes and the dog.

We started at the south end of town with the Red Wing boots flagship store and wandered all the way north (1 mile) to the pottery museum. The train depot is still in use by Amtrak.

Based on a recommendation, we hit Kelly's Tap House for lunch. As we sat down, the bartender was was preparing three monstrous bloody Marys that included a little bit of everything. Had we not been facing 1.5 miles of walking ahead of us in the heat, I might have been talked into having one...


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