Sunday, July 08, 2018

Momma Bird Plays Ceresco Days

We would have hit Zoofest for day 2, but GP's band Momma Bird was playing at Ceresco Days. GP had to get there early to help set up the equipment, so we had time to explore the festival and downtown area of Ceresco (30 minutes north of us, pop. 850). That took all of five minutes. However, there's a furniture store there called Ernie's that took 40 minutes to walk through. Next time we're looking for furniture, we're going to go there.

It was scorching hot, and we were all cranky, so we went to "That Place" and chowed down before the show. JP & I split a Rueben that was out of this world with in-house smoked corned beef. CP had a cheeseburger, and GP loaded up on pulled pork mac & cheese.

The stage was a flatbed trailer. I think there were more parents and friends of the bands there than Ceresco residents (especially once the music started playing). GP's band had their first drunk heckler - he was giving them a hard time about not playing country music. They are going to need to learn at least the "Theme from Rawhide" if they are going to continue to perform in Nebraska.

The video is of one of their original songs called Worm. It's in D drop C tuning, and it sounded awesome in person! This was the first time they performed it live.

This video has the heckler stumbling towards the stage at the end of their second song. If I had known how entertaining his exchange with the band would be, I would have kept filming. 

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