Sunday, August 06, 2017

GP's 1st Gig

Last night we went to UPCO park and watched GP perform his first concert. It was AWESOME!! Mayor Buetler was there and kicked off the show with a short speech.

GP was a nervous wreck all day in anticipation of getting on stage, but when it came time, he did great. The last song they played was new to him, so he had the chords written down on his setlist. He was worried about how to be able to read it while he was playing. 

K went with us for the show and she helped GP stay calm. Afterwards, we hit BurgerFi down in the rail yard for some celebratory cheeseburgers. Next gig: Duffy's Tavern downtown on O Street. We can't wait!

His band is called Borderline Edward. Don't ask me what that means - I have no clue. GP plays bass alongside two other guys. The guitarist also sings all the songs. Of all the songs they played, I knew only two. JP knew three. "Friday I'm in Love" is one of her favorites from the 80s.

1 comment:

mrporter01 said...
