Sunday, March 26, 2017

Exciting Taxi

This year we launched our new "Radius" model of zero turn mower. It'd aimed at the home owner with acreage and the entry level pro. Last week I was pleased to see it on display in the main hallway at our corporate office in Minneapolis. 

On the way home, I tried out a new place in the Minneapolis airport. On their menu, they have a yummy sounding frittata with an option for griddled SPAM. Not something you see in other parts of the country.

The plane to Lincoln left the gate on time and was on its way to the runway when trouble struck. As the left engine spooled up, it puked out a couple of fireballs. I was sitting on the left side and noticed the flashes and the sound of the engines slowing down - Hmmmm, that's strange... We sat there for five minutes before the captain announced what had happened and a herd of firetrucks rushed out and escorted us back to the gate. Fortunately, we were able to get a new plane and made it home only two hours late.

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