Saturday, June 01, 2013

Rocksmith Footboard

As everyone knows, my favorite game on the XBox is Rocksmith. The only problem with it is that you have to keep a controller handy to pick songs, switch modes, etc. It's just not convenient when you have have a guitar strapped on to walk around and fuss with a controller.

Why not use your feet to control the game? Having a pedal board adds to the game, as you can switch effects on the fly while playing. I found a DJ-Hero controller at our local used game superstore for $12. The circuit board inside it with the brains has all the connecitons printed on it, so wiring it up was pretty straightforward. I exhausted my stash of arcade game buttons, and found some cool yellow LED's, too. I used a piece of scrap plywood from JP's headboard project for the box.
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