Saturday, August 15, 2009

LOTO 2009

We made our annual pilgrimage to the Lake of the Ozarks last weekend. Grampa brought his boat and we all got in some decent skiing. JP & Dr. B have become masters of the sport.

We were on the water (or at least down to the boat) by 7 am most mornings to take advantage of the smooth water.

We rented a pontoon boat and cruised the lake one day. From our place it was 20 miles down to the dam. We were all grateful to realize that Gramma & Grampa's timeshare where we were staying is on the prettiest part of the lake (Grand Glaize branch). We had lunch at a cool lake bar and then swam and jumped off the suntan deck for the rest of the afternoon.

Two other mornings, we rented a waverunner and had fun pulling the tube behind that. CP was a little leery of tubing at first, but once he realized that it was not going to kill him, we couldn't get him off.

Aside from an afternoon shower and some morning fog, we had great weather and I was able to deepen my tan by a couple of notches. There's not much better than skiing in the morning and relaxing in the sun by the pool in the afternoon.

We had a b-day party #3 for MB. She is turning into quite the character.

Thanks to Gramma & Grampa for a most excellent vacation!
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