Sunday, November 09, 2008

Mame Cabinet Paint

Today I tore down the Mame cabinet and relocated it into the basement. It's too cold in the garage to play or work. The 22" monitor needs to be remounted more securely. JP doesn't like how it's mounted now. She doesn't like it so much that she offered to buy me a new 22" LCD display. Where was this offer before I jumped into CRT repair? Now that I have the CRT working, there's no way I'm going to abandon it.

I have been searching desparately for som hi-res side art pictures of a Tempest cabinet. The best I found is 500 x 1000 pixels (0.5 megapixels). I tweaked it a bit so that it just shows the lines between different colors and printed it out full-size. It came out 5 sheets wide by 8 sheets tall. I trimmed the sheets and taped them together then used JP's steam iron to transfer the ink onto the side panel. It almost worked as I had hoped. The lines are barely visible, and the paper stuck to the wood in some spots.

I got the orange outlines painted tonight. It's going to be a challenge, but I think I will be able to pull it off. The original design has several mean-looking demons in the middle. I'm going to try to swap them out for the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

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