Tuesday, June 17, 2008

MN in NE

MN and her son CN came from Woodstock for a visit this last weekend. She and JP spent most of their time on the deck enjoying the cool summer and blue skies.

Sunday I put up my Father's Day outdoor speakers and finished the main part of the pergola. We have some 2x4's to rip down to 2x2's to run across the top for a finishing accent.

JP has been cooking out every day and is enjoying being able to cook on "low" instead of the "Raging Flames of Hell" setting. I am enjoying the tasty food.

We have to call the inspector one more time, and then hopefully we will be done.

...except for installing the lights.

and running the speaker cables thru a hole in the house.

and hanging the wind chimes.

and fixing the storm door.

and putting down a few pieces of sod.

and fixing the sprinkler head so that it doesn't spray on the deck.

and planting some climbing vines on the south side.

and making a sign that says " WELCOME TO MARGARITALANDVILLE"
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