Sunday, August 12, 2007

Nebraska Weeds

This is the intersection of 40th St. and Yankee Hill road on the south side of Lincoln.
To the west, Yankee Hill is a wide divided 4-lane stretch of concrete, streetlights, and a bikepath. To the east it's two rough lanes of gravel, washboard, and dust.
The new SuperTarget sits on the NW corner. The Yankee Hill country club golf course takes up the NE corner. There's a bean field on the SW corner, and a marijuana field on the SE corner where this picture was taken from. I had to hold my camera up on a tripod to get above the tops of the plants.
Hemp was grown here before and during WWII. Now it grows wild everywhere. I never noticed it until I was talking about dove hunting with the guys at work. The best place for dove hunting is in marijuana fields; the birds love eating the seeds. Once I learned what the plants looked like, I couldn't believe how much "ditchweed" there is growing everywhere. It's inert, and its only value is as a habitat for doves.
One of the guys at work had some urban-looking folks from Omaha knock on his door and ask if they could chop down and take some ditchweed growing in his pasture. I guess it is used to fill in and dilute drug-grade dope. I just wonder how much is harvested and sold as pot.
I get a chuckle every time I drive through this intersection - on one side we have SuperTarget, super roads, and the growth they represent, on the other side is wild Nebraska at its best.
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