Saturday, September 07, 2024

Fall Morning Dog Walk

I never tire of the early morning dog walks by the lake. This morning the geese were causing a ruckus with their honking and splashing. It didn't seem to bother the muskrats; they kept up their daily routine.

It was 47° this morning and it's finally starting to feel like summer is on its way out.


Mars Red Sky @ 7th St

The boys and I hit 7th St. Entry and saw Howling Giant and Mars Red Sky. It was our first time there, and we were amazed at how small and cozy it is. The capacity is only 250 people. Between the tiny venue and the awesome bands, GP was in heaven. CP, too; he bought two t-shirts, a hat, and an autographed CD. The boys met the bands, and we all had a fun time.

The crowd was very mellow. No mosh pit, no pushing or shoving, just a lot of appreciation for some good music.



Our friend PK from NE came up for a couple days to work at the home office. We tried out Colita for the first time. It has been on our list since we moved here. We have now tried all the neighborhood restaurants within a short walk.


Como Park

We took advantage of perfect weather and no crowds to hit Como Park and the zoo. Last time we were here (January?) it was cold and blustery. Not so on Labor Day.

JP's favorite place is the conservatory and its tropical plants.


Lake Walk

Labor Day weekend in the city is heavenly. Everyone is out of town for one last fling at the cabin and the city is somewhat deserted.

With the heat and humidity gone, it's perfect walking around the lake to grab breakfast at the Bread & Pickle.