Saturday, April 29, 2017


We had a beautiful day for the March for Science last weekend. JP and the boys weren't interested, but I was. We had a good size crowd that marched from the UNL campus down to the capitol building.

Trump's assault on scientific community needs to be stopped. The problem is that he and his administration are denying facts, which are a lot different than opinions. This is giving credence to the morons that believe the earth is flat (wrong) or only 6,000 years old (wrong again). 

How have we gotten to the point where there are 100,000 people that belong to the Chemtrail Facebook group? These people all believe that the airplane contrails we see every day are actually chemicals being deposited by the governments in a plot to make us sick.

If you're ever unsure about something that sounds funny, ask your nearest scientist. 

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