Friday, December 16, 2016

Killer Kitty

When it gets cold outside, the mice want inside. Unfortunately for them, V really likes to hunt, play with, and kill them. We found mouse #1's lifeless carcass when we returned from Thanksgiving. It had crawled under the utility room door and expired there. The photo above is mouse #2. V got it during the night and she was in the middle of the living room floor with her present for me in the morning. She was VERY excited about it. Meow Meow MEOW meow myow! GP is completely amazed that our cute and cuddly little cat is such a vicious and cold blooded killer.

We (JP mostly) began an exhaustive search of the house for more signs of mice. We found where they had chewed through a crack just above the foundation in the storage room. We left the door to the room open, put the cats in the basement, and closed the basement door at night and let nature sort herself out. In the morning all we found was a small pile of cat puke with little bits of grey fur and some tiny intestines. Not sure which one ate it, but that was the end of our mouse problem for this year.

Of course, we needed to make sure there weren't any more, so we spent all day last weekend emptying out the entire storeroom and throwing out anything with mouse turds on it. I lost my backpacking pack and sleeping bag. The boys lost some of their old toys. JP would be happy if we pitched all of it.

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