Sunday, November 02, 2014

Go Big Red!

JP & I went to the Purdue game this weekend. It was a nice day (45°) but there was a bit of a 20 mph breeze that kept it feeling cool. The Army Golden Knights parachute team flew in. They dropped from a few thousand feet two miles south of the stadium and did a freefall to a few hundred feet. The lowest guy was barely visible above the rim of the stadium - we thought for sure that there was no way he'd be able to make it to the stadium, much less clear the bleachers. The winds aloft must have been blowing pretty good, because he made it with no problem.

We were invited by the dean of engineering at UNL. We had a great lunch at the Chancellor's pre-game party in the Lied Center. It's not your normal beer-soaked tailgate party. We thought we had pretty good seats in the 10th row at the 40-yard line, but our neighbor's daughter texted us and said she was on the 50, just 6 rows behind us. 

Despite fumbles and interceptions, the Huskers were able to pull off a win.

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