Sunday, June 13, 2010

Busy Summer Days

This weekend, I took Friday off - half a day vacation and half a day from working extra hours earlier in the week. I worked on getting the sound working on pole position, went to the pool with the family and watched the boys go off the high boards, and then played 9 holes @ Wilderness Ridge in the 94° humid sunshine.

JRO secured a 100 lb roasting pig, which was much more difficult than either of us expected, and I built a spit, and his friend had a pig roast Saturday. I only got to taste some of the skin, and it was fantastic. We had to leave early to do the Saltdog nite with work.

When we got to the pig roast, the boys complained endlessly about everything. Then one of them found a frog, and then they got to move straw bales around, and by the time we had to leave, they wanted to stay.

We had dinner with the guys & their families from work at Buzzard Billy's - the boys actually tried (and liked) some gator. After dinner, we watched the Saltdogs pummel the Shreveport Captians. Highlight of the game was seeing the boys on the big TV screen for 10 seconds.
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