Sunday, September 14, 2008

MAME Progress

This weekend, I worked on the MAME machine. Katrina does not care.

Saturday, I installed an old Gateway 17" CRT. It looks absolutely minuscule in the cabinet. I remember when this monitor was hot stuff. I think they were around $500. Now you can find them for free. When I can afford it, I'll stuff a 22" LCD in the cabinet - that will look about right.

I drew up the control panel and it's in the queue to be lasered. Until then, I built a cheezy plywood panel and used a whisker switch for the fire button (no superzapper). I need to get with it and order some real buttons.

Sunday, I painted all the parts. I used flat black: mistake. The paint is so flat that it shows every spec of dust that blows in on the wind (25 mph all night & day today) and my skin rubs off on it. The sides are primered and waiting for some nice enamel.

I rewired the guitar amplifier I built so that it plugs into the computer and puts out stereo. The crappy little 4" speakers actually sound great and very authentic for an 80's arcade machine. Next: buttons, smoked glass, and a marquee. The side art decals cost $100, which is about $80 more than I am willing to pay, so I am contemplating painting the sides myself.
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