Saturday, September 01, 2007

Tora Tora Tora

Last weekend Gramma & Grampa flew in so that we could drive down to K.C. for the airshow. The highlight of the show was the Commemorative Air Force's reenactment of the attack on Pearl Harbor. They had Zeros, Kates, and a Val bomb the airport while a P-51 stayed on a zero's 6 o'clock and flew around. I've been to a lot of airshows, and I have to say, this was the best.

The boys are absolutely crazy about WW-II planes. We have our own airforce of miniature planes all over the house. CP is particularly interested in Japanese planes, ships, and culture. I'm not sure how it started, but it has not slowed down.

All of the Japanese planes were parked away from the main show and we were not able to get close to them. We asked the ramp boss if there was some way we could get close and explained that CP is a WW-II nut, and he let JP & CP in for a closer look.

The airshow was perfect. The weather was perfect. After weeks of hot & muggy, we had a beautiful day of low humidity and sunshine. We parked at a high school and took a shuttle bus to the airport. We were a bit apprehensive about making it there, but whoever was in charge did a fantastic job of organizing everything.

Between our two cameras, we shot close to 700 photos. I have uploaded some of the better ones to our web album. If you like airplanes - click on the picture below and check it out.

One of the highlights for me was having JP witness Shock Wave, the 375 mph 3-engine jet truck. I've seen jet cars run the 1/4 mile before, but this jet truck was awesome! He was not limited to the 300 mph speed limit that the drag strips have and was able to go zero to 375 in 5 seconds. JP kinda freaked out - it's unnatural seeing something that big accelerate so quickly. Hopefully now JP will be fired up to go to the new Lincoln drag strip (if it is ever built).
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