Saturday, December 02, 2006

Thanksgiving in Lanark

We spent Thanksgiving in Lanark at the Grammas' house. Everyone was there except for Glenn & Sue - they were in Michigan on a business trip.

After dinner, we played a couple rounds of "The Dice Game." The boys had fun stealing presents from everyone.

The day after, JP & I traveled to Woodstock to see the old neighborhood. We walked down to the square with the Newmans. The square is changing - new $450k townhouses have been built behind the train station, Harvest Moon (our favorite resturant) was sold and went out of business, the Jailhouse is under new ownership and is being remodelled, and the toy store has been replaced by a spectacular hobby shop. The hobby shop has more stuff crammed in it than our Hobbytown superstore. I almost bought the big P-38 model I've been looking for, but JP (the voice of reason) talked me out of it. I did, however, get a nice 1/16 scale Japanese Zero for CP to help me build. He has a thing for Japan and has been wanting a Zero for quite some time. I'm anxious to get started, but I think we need to build this year's pinewood derby car first.

Little House looks the same except for some giant weeds in the back yard, an air conditioner (permanent, not window), and a satellite dish. It's hard to believe that we used to be able to get by with a sub-one-car garage. The neighbors to the rear built a nice 3-car garage that matches their house. Nancy & Chet are doing well.

The main purpose for our trip to Illinois was for JP to get her hair cut by a real stylist. She hasn't been able to find anyone here that she likes. I gave her a hard time about driving 8 hours to get a haircut, but when she emerged from the salon, I realized that she was right.

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