Sunday, January 25, 2015

Remodeling Season

We've had a warm January with temps in the 50s and 60s for the past two weeks. That, combined with no homework has a certain redhead thinking that it's time once again to improve our house. Her next project is to replace the nasty carpeted stairs and upstairs hallway with hardwood. 

In order to make it work, we need to paint the remaining golden oak white. The finish carpenter for our house did an amazing job, but all the oak is too much. I'm sure that sometime in the future a young couple will move into our house and be ecstatic at the fact that all the trimwork is solid oak. By that time, someone will have carpeted over the wood floors, too.

We were blessed with a beautiful January day and 50°. How often can you open the front door for fresh air in January in Nebraska?


As I struggled with my classes, I promised myself that once it was over, I'd treat myself to a new bass. Over the years I've accumulated too many cheesy instruments and I was to the point that I couldn't keep up with maintaining them - strings and neck adjustments due to the Nebraska weather. I was able to trade in two basses and with the $$ I received for graduation (and a generous wife) I was able to buy a real instrument that should last a lifetime. Rock On!

Together Time

For the past few weeks, our Saturdays have been kid-free. GP is enrolled in a city-wide speech program and CP has his speech events. What does one do without having to wait on two teens? Go out for lunch! We hit Leadbelly's for JP's b-day. We went there a year ago and were not impressed with their burger-only menu. JP wanted a Cuban, but she couldn't get it without a patty. Since then they added a page of non-burgers to their menu and the food is delicious.

While enjoying our meal, we looked outside and it was snowing like crazy. That's normal for January, but the temperature was 50°!! Then it turned to rain, then back to snow, and then the sun came out and we went back to rain. Nebraska is having a strange January.

Saturday, January 17, 2015


Last weekend I learned that I have been selected to chaperon a group of UNL guys on a two week trip to Ecuador this spring!! We fly to Quito then go north to Otavalo and stay a few days with families in a the small farming community of San Clemente. From there, we go south to Banos and down to Puyo and then fly an hour east into the rainforest where we'll spend a week with the Achuar (former headhunters). Can't wait!

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Knitting is Exhausting Work

The cats helped JP knit her collar. It doesn't get better than an endless piece of yarn that twitches for hours on end.

And it's a nice place to knead.

V finally gave up and passed out face down the sofa. I've never seen her this tired.

Blizzard? What blizzard?

We've been getting slammed by a cold front every other day for the past week. The cats couldn't care less that it's 5° outside and the wind is a steady 30 mph with horizontal snow. If we chucked them outside, then they would care...

Christmas 2014

We were blessed with gorgeous weather for Christmas this year. No blizzards, no ice storms, just nice cold weather.

As the boys are getting older, Christmas morning goes faster and faster. At the end, there was only one shopping bag full of wrapping paper rather than the normal 90 gallon trash can. This was the first year that we didn't need wire cutters and a jumbo pack of batteries.

Thursday, January 01, 2015

Christmas Eve

Grampa treated us boys to a visit to the SAC Museum on Christmas Eve.

My favorites are the SR-71 and B-58. CP has a thing for MiG's. 

As the sun set, we retired to the basement and watched Elf and then Christmas Vacation and laughed and laughed.


Finally, after almost 5 years, I got my master's degree. Two classes per year sounded easy, but it took more time and effort than I realized. By the time I had grown weary, I was in too far and couldn't stop. Not unlike drinking a spittoon.

The ceremony was held at the new Pinnacle Bank Arena. It was the first time that any of us had been inside. Gramma, Grampa, and Aunt M drove up from MS for the event. 

Afterwards we went to Brix & Stone in the Haymarket for dinner.

Graduation Party

We cleared out the living room and secured some cocktail tables for our graduation party.

In all, I think we had 20+ people. Despite our efforts to corral everyone in the living room, they all congregated in the kitchen.

JP rented some cheap wine glasses and a bartender. Now that we have all wood floors, not a drop was spilled.

Wreath Auction

The wreath auction was fun! I think the event netted $2,500 for the speech/debate team.

We were outbid all night on every item. Turns out our friends were one of the culprits. 

iPad Fix

Over Thanksgiving we had a mishap and smashed the screen on JP's iPad. Good thing I subscribe to the Jeff Spicoli school of life: "I can fix it!"

The replacement screen cost $16 online and the repair only took 70 minutes from start to finish. I think if we were to do it again, we could do it in about 30 minutes.